"Doing my, doing my...
...doing my thing."
Whelp. I am still in DC. And I still like it. There has been considerably more drama than I had EVER anticipated there being in a job, but I have decided to look past it and just do what I do. I am working with a diverse group of people and appreciate some of them more and more each day and loathe (strong word, I know) others more with each passing minute. But, hey, I am in DC--so there! I am also becoming one of those drivers out here. I do bad things while I drive and don't care anymore. But everyone else does it too...so I am fine in my mind. Plus, I have decided I want my next car to be a Dodge Caliber. Check it out.
I have been shopping a lot and realize that it is really good that there are not tons of great shopping places in SoDak. Georgetown just offers me so many options!! I have spent only $80 on clothes/shoes while here and have gotten 3 dresses, 2 shirts, and 2 pairs of shoes. One word: NICE! I just don't know how I will stuff it all back into my already-too-full suitcases. Meh...I can UPS it back too.
And T is coming to visit VERY soon. I am stoked. She is going to have fun because I am really excited for her to be here. Other than Nick, she'll be the only person from home that I see while I am out here. And whereas I saw Nick for an afternoon (of McDonalds, a movie, a nap, and laundry) I get her to myself for 4 whole days. Nick gets her for a morning, but that doesn't even count.
This has been fairly pointless and boring, but now at least there is a little insight into what is up out here. Hope all is well for you and yours.