Just Like Eik

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

"Everytime I'm holdin' you is like backwards rain...

...your love's like fallin' upside down."

Today was full of ups and downs. Let me recap:

Down: Class this morning was incredibly boring. Qualitative research is not fun, don't be fooled.
Up: For the first time all semester, I didn't have to fight sleep during class due to my Southern Pecan Cream coffee. Additional up: I got quite a bit done on the short story I have been writing in class in an effort to stay awake.

Down: I couldn't get in to get my bumper and headlight fixed today.
Up: Tomorrow morning the B-Lazer is heading in to get fixed.

Up: I opened a non-profit bank account for the Miss Riverbend/Dakota Garden pageant.
Down: It took one and a half hours.

Down: My phone died in a conversation with Claussen.
Up: Before talking to Claus, I talked to my mommy and got 15 minutes in with Claus before the phone died.

Down: Again, my phone died and I lost my wall charger and Claussen has my car adapter.
Up: They sell phone chargers at WalMart; and the one I got has a rocking retractable cord.

Down: I have a complete research proposal due next Tuesday.
Up: I picked a topic to research and found sources on it. Topic selected: sex in college students. That's right, I will be reading, writing, and learning about sex for the next week.

Up: Found out for certain that Claus is staying with me this weekend.
Down: I guess I have to clean a bit now.

Up: I made chocolate chip cookies for the girls I tutor for tomorrow.
Down: Somehow I screwed the cookies up a little bit and they are deformed.
Up: Hell, I still have a ton of chocolate chip cookies!

That is my day in a nutshell. Overall, I think I came out ahead.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

"If I had a hammer...

...I'd hammer in the morning."

As I sit here, avoiding getting ready for my date that I leave for in half an hour, watching the Twins, and eating chips, I decided it would be good to update on my newest news.

I have a summer job!! Pending the passing of my background check, I will be an Operations Manager for the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine in Washington DC. Basically, I will be using my programming and logistics training to help get 3 sets of 400 students from point A to point B this summer. I will get to stay in a hotel for a month and a half and get paid a considerable chunk of change. There are also plans in the works for me to work for SDSU's Nursing program for the first part of the Orientation program since I will be here, jobless and bored.

This job falls perfectly between my summer plans. I have a wedding on June 2 and August 18, County Fair the first week of August, the Miss SD pageant at the beginning of June, and another pageant in Northeast SD at the beginning of August. My training in DC starts July 18 and I will work through July 31. PERFECT!!!

So yeah, I am pretty excited and wanted to let the world know! Or at least those of you who read this. Now I am going to go get pretty.