Just Like Eik

Monday, March 26, 2007

"She's Miss America...

...and I'm just the girl next door."

I think I am making bad decisions with my life. No, nothing that could involve jail time, a loss of morals, or anything that exciting.

These bad decisions come in the form of my appearance. I have taken to wearing high heels (note the "high" part) at least 3 times per week. This could potentially wreak havoc on my feet, but they are cute and I like looking nice. I have also started hot rolling my hair every morning. This is time consuming, but I currently have time to take to get ready in the morning, so I am embracing it.

I am trying to figure out the reason for the change. I have a feeling I have nailed it down, but am waiting to see how long it goes for before placing blame on a single person in my (extended) life.

The question I pose: Is there something wrong with my new high maintenance look (that is not high maintenance as it is quite easy)? Should I go back to flip-flops, jeans, and ponytails? Thoughts....?

Sunday, March 25, 2007

"What's goin' on...

...what's goin' on?"

Ugh. Here I am, with some time on my hands. It is a strange feeling, as I haven't had time to do much of anything as of late, much less just sit. This week was a whirlwind of activities, but now I am done with that. What happened you ask? Let me tell you.

I had the Finale of "Project Runway: SDSU." There was a huge article about it in the school newspaper and it was nominated for a national award. This is pretty neat to me, but I am so relieved it is over. I put in well over 100 hours of work for this event, and I am really excited that it all paid off and that I get to have a life again.

We had UPC Spring Formal on Friday. I bought a brand new dress for it. It was a little "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion" but only amazing. It was coral, cut up to above the knees in front and really long in the back, with a back that laced up. I was told by my 2 favorite gay guys that it was the best dress at the formal and I was "commanding" in it. I think that was good. Note to ya'll: never think that "Candyland" is a good theme for a formal. COME ON! Once you are over the age of, say, 10, children's games are not cool anymore. Puke.

Yesterday was Pub Crawl. I crawled. Only college kids can justify being fwasted by 2. The green beer count on my pub crawl shirt says I drank 13 beers. I started at noon and left downtown at 11. My friend Sarah and I took turns buying pitchers ($5.50 a piece--Rock!), and I got us 6 free drinks because I guess I am a flirt...who knew!? (don't answer that.) The only downfall was the drama that ensued due to the alcohol intake. Dang it. But it was fun regardless and I have to say that it was one of the better Pub Crawls I've done.

Today Nick called and woke me up at 8. He had a flight leaving this morning and he wanted his iPod (I have had custody of it since our extended roadtrip last weekend). However, instead of dropping by to pick it up, he asked if I would ride to Sioux Falls with him and drive his car back. Luckily, I was over my hangover already by that point in time, so I agreed. Now, for the rest of the week I have control of his car and permission to drive it as needed. I am pretty excited for this.

So, that is my life as of late. I am watching the "Grease: You're the One That I Want" Marathon and contemplating being productive. But who does that!? Not this kid. Naw naw. I am going to sit. Who wants to join me?

Sunday, March 04, 2007

"He writes science fiction novels...

...everyone said he was a slacker."

Just to appease Rachel, I am writing something. I am currently sick and bought 4 different types of medicine yesterday as well as 2 boxes of tissues (yup, tissues, because they were technically Puffs Plus, not Kleenex). Yesterday I was awake for all of 4 hours and today I just stayed in and did nothing. I lie--I emptied my dish washer, but other than that: nada.

I have been taking full advantage of the blizzard that ripped through the area as of late. School was cancelled from Wednesday at 5 through Friday and, in true college-student fashion, everyone could make it to the bars and liquor store, but not to class. I knew that I was sick, but thought I could brave the elements and smokey bars to be with my friends. Not a good choice (though it was a lot of fun...). But now I have the rest of Spring Break to recoup; I might go to Vegas, might go home, might do something else. Who knows?

But now I am going to have some yogurt, continue watching America's Next Top Model, look at internships, and nurse myself back to health.

*exit slacker status*